Wisdom and the Pursuit of Excellence
In the pursuit of excellence, it is often lost that practices such as wisdom are just as necessary. The pursuit of excellence is a quest for evolution and progression; it’s the need to excel in something.
That’s why in order to achieve what you want out of life, wisdom must be incorporated alongside excellence, because without it, you will lack understanding and insight which can lead to self-destruction. You will not get what you want if wisdom is not at your side because with knowledge comes clarity.
Wisdom helps us clearly understand with two things:
1. You can see the right path
2. From experience, wisdom teaches you how to overcome the wrong path.
In order for things to be clear, people often have a tendency to want to avoid problems, especially when they know they have a choice in the matter. This perspective is fine for a short period of time because it will allow you to grow and develop into who you are meant to be however it doesn’t help you reach your full potential in life if that is where you want to go.
When considering wisdom in one’s life, what we mean by this term is “to make wise decisions under difficult conditions.” The conditions can be due to a certain circumstance, person, place or time depending on the situation. It is when you are confronted with a specific scenario that requires decision making that must be made in the interest of protecting yourself and your interests.
For example: Stopping to help an elderly person cross the street when it is rush hour traffic could be considered an act of wisdom because one would have to make quick and efficient decisions based on the situation (traffic) and one’s values (helping others). However, if someone was helping another elderly person cross the street at two in the morning, it would not be considered an act of wisdom but stupidity because no traffic is present to warrant stopping.
The other aspect of wisdom is to look at the bigger picture, which is a major step in one’s ability to excel. One must be able to count the cost when pursuing something because there are many risks along the way.
For example: It could be saving money for a house down payment or trying to lose weight; each scenario requires you to weigh out your options and make decisions that will ensure you reach your goal. At times, your decisions may seem illogical when you have to choose between spending money or buying food but you have to do this if you want your situation fixed.
Before a wise decision can be made, one must first ask themselves the three questions:
1. What do I want?
2. Why do I want it?
3. How will I get it?
To make wise decisions, one must understand what they are trying to accomplish. They must also know why they want to achieve their goal and how this decision will help them get it in the end. In order for this process to work, there has to be a commitment on both sides of the equation because without determination, the outcome might not pan out as expected.
Once a decision has been made, wisdom also asks us to have patience in this process. If one is able to predict something might happen, this will allow them to make better decisions in the future because they will not be surprised by the events that occur.
One last aspect which is important to consider when thinking about wisdom is your perspective on life. Wisdom can be defined as the ability to see things clearly, especially when you are undergoing a difficult time or experiencing some adversity.
Because of its ability to provide clarity and insight, wisdom can help us make good decisions and reach our goals in life if we put it into practice and use it properly.
Wisdom is knowing what to do, when to do. Wisdom is knowing what not to do, when not to do it. Wisdom comes from experience, and the more wisdom gained the greater our chance of success. I believe that no one is born wise. Everyone has an opportunity to learn some wisdom in their life. Some people acquire wisdom quickly, others acquire it slowly but surely over time.
I strongly suggest that you strengthen your wise decisions by making use of the following tools:
1) Education: Knowledge is power and wisdom comes from knowledge, therefore education is vital in attaining wisdom within one’s life.
2) Cultivation: Wise decisions require an organization in order to maintain success. Cultivation of understanding, in which one adds and improves on what was previously learned, is essential to the development of wisdom.
3) Practice: The more you practice your wisdom, the better you become at it. As you practice your wise decisions on a regular basis, you will begin to master this new skill and see it as a way of life.
4) Prayer: When the main system within your body breaks down by disease or accident, immediate prayer is administered for healing or recovery through God’s church – one’s own local church (where applicable).
5) Guidance: A free gift from God that helps towards preventing one from making mistakes and encourages one to not delay in applying wise decisions.
1. People around me are comfortable with me because I’m easy going, friendly and dependable.
2. I am responsible in everything I do; therefore, I usually complete my tasks on time or before they are due.
3. My friends are the people who share similar beliefs to mine, they can understand me when I go through tough times, and we have an unspoken understanding between each other because our friendship is based on trust, love and companionship.
4. I see the bigger picture when I’m making a decision because I consider what is best for me in the long run.
5. I believe that my talents are God given and He can make me successful in whatever field He wants to if I do my best, that’s why I apply to every opportunity with optimism and hope.
6. I ask myself these three questions before accepting an invitation:
What do I want? Why do I want it? How will I get it? Because of the answer to these questions, whether it be for a job, a relationship or just a simple request for help, my choice is solidified from then on.
With wisdom comes a tremendous amount of responsibility. Just as the all-wise Solomon put it in Ecclesiastes 10:10, “If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom will save you from the hands of the wicked, but a lack of understanding will destroy you.” We must be wise and ask ourselves these questions before committing to any decisions or inactions because they are the fundamentals of life and everything stems from them.
Once one realizes this power inside himself, he begins to test his limits. He slowly learns how far he can go with his knowledge and how achievable his goals are if only given the chance to increase them.