4 Steps To Flip a Website Successfully


 4 Steps To Flip a Website Successfully

The web is a vast, unexplored landscape that can be quite intimidating for those who don't know where to begin. However, with the right mindset and some useful tools, building your website can be as easy as following four steps. Here are the first two steps:

1. Create a color scheme and logo for your website/brand that resonates with you.
2. Make sure the text content on your website is SEO-friendly and keyword-rich (5% recommended).

These first two steps are the easiest because they don't require a lot of time and most people have an idea of where they want their website to be. Once you've accomplished these two steps, you should be ready for the next three:
3. Make sure you choose a hosting provider that has the flash plugin installed (currently only GoDaddy's host has this).
4. Create your website using Dreamweaver or Fireworks, whichever makes more sense for you.  [IMAGE OF A FLASH BROKERAGE PAGE] 5. Get reviews from real people; this is especially important if you're launching a product/service/whatever that requires serious trust from its customers.
Marketing your website after it's done can be as simple as making sure you optimize for mobile and desktop.
There is no need to worry about a million SEO strategies or paying for advertising before you even create your website—it's that simple. Just follow these steps to create an attractive and marketable website that will help you achieve your business and personal goals.
The basic idea behind flipping your website is that once you've created the initial content, the hard part is over and all you have to do is maintain it. This doesn't take much work, but if you want to improve on it, it'll require a bit of work on your part (depending on what type of site/service you're providing). The reason why people who flip websites are sometimes associated with having a "certain mindset" about business success is because they do have a certain mindset: the idea that
"if you build it, they will come."   [ARTICLE END]
So I was right all along, it is a color scheme and logo. So here's my rebuttal: If you want to be successful online, please do not base your success off of whether or not you get good reviews for your work. Why? Because people will give negative reviews (regardless of how good the work is), unfortunately. The fact is, they will always be negative reviews. Why? Because people are this way. If you're only attracting those who love your work, you'll never be able to build a sustainable business based off of online reviews. 
To be successful online, you must find a way to attract both the kind of person who loves your work and the kind of person who hates it. You must find a way to attract both the kind who have nothing bad to say and the kind with nothing positive to say.   
People will always have something bad (or good) to say about your work... so don't take it personally—it's not personal... it's just how people are. If you sell products on the internet, people don't want you to complain about your products (because they're probably thinking, "I want a similar product to buy so I'll give it two stars and complain about it."). If you sell services, people aren't going to like how much they pay for what you have to offer. But what if you sell something that's not an actual product? How could someone get a bad review if they just don't like your idea? Well... Hope is the worst thing in this world.
People are going to complain no matter what, no matter how positive or negative the work is. People are always going to complain. If you have a lot of negative reviews and no positives, it might not be your work being bad (it could be your branding, your logo, and what not)... but when people get the bad reviews and don't like what they see, they automatically assume it's the work that is terrible.
People will never give anything good if there is nothing positive to see in the first place. This goes for both a product or service. 
If you build cheap looking website with poor grammar, people will leave negative reviews about that—not about your business practices. Not many people think about this, but I believe it's true... and it's pretty amazing. 
Not many people care about what you're complaining about, so don't spend too much time on it. If you want to make any kind of lasting impression, you have to do more than just get a few negative reviews—you have to attract both types of people (those who hate your work and love what you're offering as well). 
Let's say that you were able to attract both the type of people who like your work and those who hate it... This means that these two people will automatically leave positive reviews for you because they are there enjoying your product (or service). I know this is some deep stuff... but it's true.
How many reviews do you want? You don't need millions of positive reviews to attract lots of business and attention (unless you'd like to spend your whole life doing nothing but complaining). In fact, if you want to be really successful online, I suggest not getting more than 200-500 positive reviews.
If you'd like to know more about this topic I'd suggest reading this article on the topic:   http://blog.mikefarrar.com/2014/04/thousands-of-reviews-is-not-enough/ 
Mike Farrar is the author of "The Blogging Formula" blog and has more than a million readers . He's an entrepreneur, blogger, and best-selling author.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! If it was helpful to you, please share it on Facebook or Twitter. Thanks!
*A big thank you to the blogger who wrote this post for me and gave me the idea for this blog post  - thanks again, it was a big help! I appreciate you helping me out!
 If you'd like to contact me for professional services or if you'd like to learn about more ways that I can help you build a successful business online (whether it be a blog site or anything else), please send me an email at richleolson77@gmail.com.

Building a successful blog/business is not about having a crappy web design or crap content, it's about getting the right amount of traffic to your site. There's no need to worry if you have any kind of website at all, build one if you want to. Just make sure that you are sending the correct amount of traffic to your site and making sure that you are posting quality content and providing value for people visiting your site (if people don't like it they can always leave negative reviews).   Tracking the amount of traffic and the number of reviews is very important if you're serious about succeeding online.

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