4 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Web Site


 4 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Web Site

If you want to increase your traffic then there are a few different techniques you can employ. Some of the best ways to increase website traffic are through SEO, content marketing, social media and PPC advertising. These techniques each have their own benefits and drawbacks in terms of cost efficiency and effort required but ultimately any one of them could be the answer to increasing visitors to your site. Browse the following ideas for a few more ways that might help you get more people looking at your website!

SEO stands for search engine optimization, it’s when you use different strategies for high ranking on various search engines like Google or Bing. Sites where SEO is used in a more obvious way will often have descriptors such as ‘SEO friendly’ or ‘SEO friendly website’ in their title and description.

A basic SEO technique is to ensure that your website has structured content and then to ensure that the content isn’t duplicated across multiple pages, use meta tags to help search engines find your site easily. There are a few different ways you can do this which we will look at below.

Adding meta tags to your website is an easy way of making sure that visitors entering your site have the best experience possible. One meta tag that we use here at Kwik Chex is the description tag. It’s an important one as even though it doesn’t affect rank, a descriptive and intriguing meta description can drive more visitors to your site.

Meta tags are also used for the page title which is displayed on the search engine results page (SERP). Here you can utilize keywords in your page title which will help you rank higher for certain terms, however be sure to keep them natural and not spammy!

Optimizing your web content for mobile users is also a great way of getting people to view your site. One way to do this would be to optimize your site for iPhones and iPads. A good example of this is Google’s mobile friendly test tool which can be used to check how easy a page is to view on a mobile device before you actually make a change.

We have made simple adjustments here at Kwik Chex to ensure that the pages we deal with are easily viewable on mobile devices. View our Kwik Chex mobile friendliness test tool for yourself!

The second method would be to simply make your web content accessible for the disabled in some way. This could mean implementing a text-to-speech service like TalkToMe for example. There are also a number of other software tools that can be used for the disabled that you should look into, check our list of accessibility resources for more information.

We use this method at Kwik Chex and have made some simple tweaks to ensure that our site is usable for all visitors. Check our site here:

If you want to increase your traffic, then consider creating PPC ads on Google AdWords. Although it will cost money initially it’s worth considering as many websites without investment in PPC ads are lost in the sea of other similar sites.

Even if Google Adwords isn’t something you consider, there are still a few ways to get PPC advertising on websites. One popular method is to utilize the ‘Sponsored’ section on sites like Reddit. On these sites you can advertise your content in a less intrusive manner in order to drive some traffic. If Reddit is too big for your site then you should see other smaller websites that offer similar services.

There are a number of different ways that you can create your ads to get more targeted traffic but be mindful of what exactly it is that you want to achieve and how much investment you want to put into it. For example you could create an ad that will only be visible to those in your specific country, but will be less effective for those who are looking for something more international. We would always advise that once you’ve created an ad there are a number of other free PPC tools that can give you real time results, such as the Google Adwords Keyword Planner.

Here at Kwik Chex we promote our content on social media in order to increase our traffic. This works well and has increased our overall traffic by approximately 250% in a year. We have also used social media to generate more leads for customers as well as to keep in touch with friends and family without creating multiple accounts.

Our social media presence is made up of an Instagram account, Twitter and Facebook pages. Instagram has the most snapchat followers out of the three but we have a few more on Facebook and on Twitter we have around 17.6k followers on Twitter and 2.1k likes on Facebook! There are a number of ways to get more followers for your business or client, you can utilize various paid services for this purpose or make it yourself with tools like bit.ly or if-tt, free resources can be found in our guide to social media marketing.

The whole world has been turned into a visual medium and if you want to increase traffic to your website then consider utilizing some pictures in your advertising. Whether you use these photos on your social media pages or add them to your website, it is a great way of enticing visitors to check out more of what you have to offer.

The point really isn’t whether you should, just that it could be an option that you want to consider. Here at Kwik Chex we use this method for two reasons, firstly we want our followers and customers to know what products we have and secondly it’s a great way of showcasing our work without having to relay all of the information via text!

If you take a look at our Instagram page you will see some pictures that we use on there. We’re not the only ones who use this method either, we have seen many other businesses do it as well. For example here are a couple of pictures from Paul’s recent wedding that he had taken:

Another big way to get more traffic to your website is by creating and posting videos. Just about every social media platform now has a video function, whether it is Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with Periscope or Snapchat.

Creating your own content can be easy and allows you to accentuate your services in a fun and unique manner. It is particularly useful for businesses or clients who have service based sites as you can show how your services work in a short video.

Try to create an engaging video that will catch the attention of viewers. If you already have some videos then try posting these to different social media platforms and see what kind of engagement you get from them.

The final way in which we recommend that you can increase traffic to your site is by creating funny or interesting images for use on social media. These are easy and quick ways of grabbing the attention of other websites or users.


We hope that this article has been informative and that you have by now learned how to increase traffic to a website. It is important to remember however, that it takes time for a website to pick up in the world of traffic generation and if you are aiming to do this then you will most likely need more than one approach in order to reach your goal.

Keep in mind too, the speed of your efforts will be key as well. If you want instant traffic then this may not be the best option for your business as it may take a lot of time, money and effort before your efforts could yield any reward.

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