Answers to Your E-Commerce Problems!!


 Answers to Your E-Commerce Problems!!

You’re not alone. One of the most frustrating parts of e-commerce is finding a company that has high quality products, fast shipping, responsible customer service, and affordable prices. But it doesn’t have to be this way! We have found a company that ticks all of those boxes plus more — we thought you should know about it too.

You can find their website at ____ and _______.

#3 - How to Write an Introduction for a Blog Post About Travel

Introduction: You want to travel; you've just finished your second cup of coffee and you're starting to get excited about packing your bags for the airport--but do I start my travel blog post?

How Not to Begin: I'm starting my travel blog post, "What's the best thing you can do if you're going to be stuck on a long flight or train ride" (post title)?

Why It Doesn't Work: You have nothing interesting to say, your opening paragraph is too general, and this is supposed to be your introduction. If you want to write a travel blog post, go ahead and start it... just know that the opening sentence below does the trick in 90% of cases. The next time you're stuck for an intro, read it over and pretend that's what you've got going on for your first line.

The Right Way: I'm starting my article, "How to Write an Introduction for a Blog Post About Travel" (title).

#2 - How to Lie on Your Resume and Get a Job that You Deserve

Job Interview: You're job-hunting and you want to get the job. And you know it'll be hard. But you know there's a better chance of getting the job if you just make up some things, right? So, what do you do? What's the best thing? The first step is obviously getting a new gig. After all, if they already have someone applying for the same position as you are, chances are it's not going to be easy to get hired. But how do you go about getting the job? It's not like you've got a lot of experience. This isn't easy...

You should probably just go ahead and make up some details. What does the interviewer expect to see in your resume? Some examples of things that are true, right? Okay, so what if we work backwards for a second. Let's say I want more money as a web developer, so what will I have to do? Well, if I want to build websites for more money, I'm going to have to get more experience on sites. How exactly am I going to do that without doing it at all? Easy...I'll just make up some experience that doesn't exist. What fun!

I'm starting my article, “How to Lie on Your Resume and Get a Job that You Deserve” (title).

#1 - How to Be a Bad Writer When You're Not a Bad Writer

You write things you think are good. But they don't sound good in your head. They just seem awkward coming out of your mouth in real life situations. It's like you have these ideas, but you can't explain them well enough with the font and format you've used for so long. It's hard to be objective about how to improve yourself as a writer on the internet. You can always go on about, "I need to improve," but that's not specific. You'll know more about how to improve your writing when you know specifically what you want to change. Here are some specific ways of what you can do to become a better writer:

1. You write in the first person too often. (I, me, myself)

2. Your wording is all over the place for no reason. (use fewer adjectives and longer sentences)

3. It's unclear what you're trying to say in some places because the focus is too broad or too narrow for the intended audience. (various words don't mean much by themselves without context)

4. You'll notice I know you're not good at writing how you speak because you used the word you too many times, so I have a good idea of what your words mean, but the audience will not. (Don't use the word 'you' unless it's to make a point)

How to fix these things: Don't use "I" in the first person very much at all. It sounds pretentious and boring. Use 'you' instead. Make more clear what you're trying to say without being wordy or using too many words. Use fewer descriptive words to make a point.

I'm starting my article, "How to Be a Bad Writer When You're Not a Bad Writer" (title).

How NOT to Begin: How do I begin this blog post about how to begin articles? It's not like there are any reliable writing tips out there. Anyway, I'll just have to start it now and figure that part out later...

Why it doesn't work: Too general of opening sentences. It doesn't help you get started if you're trying to start something for the first time. And that's why it needs some context and an explanation anyway (run-on sentence).

The Right Way: How to Begin an Article Without Being Boring or Pretentious. The first step is to get started. This should be easy considering you already know what you want to write about and how it's going to work. You can always add more details later, but there's no point in starting your blog post if you haven't even begun writing the first paragraph that's going to go with it.

It’s a common problem for writers (especially bloggers) who use the word ‘you’ way too many times in their writing (and sometimes the word ‘I’). It isn’t that there’s anything wrong with the words themselves. They’re descriptive and actually help add more information to your writing, but the problem is that you shouldn’t use them when they don’t serve a purpose. Your language should help you communicate your message, not be completely pointless.

So start your blog post by making an action step: Take out the word ‘you’ and see how it makes a difference for your audience. See what happens in the first paragraph and what happens in all of your other blog posts in this way when you use the word 'you.' What do you like about it? What don't you like about it? There's no wrong answer to these types of questions.


Here's one more point before I get to the resources. If you want to see how effective this method is, comment below. Right now, I'd like you to try it out right now on a blog post that you've already written. Scroll down and find the title in your blog and write out an awkward intro that doesn't explain your article well enough, yet make sure it has a lot of words in it that are descriptive or even meaningless. Write for 5 minutes or 10 minutes just based on what comes up without editing yourself.

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