Blogs, Podcasting, and RSS


 Blogs, Podcasting, and RSS

Blogging is often a great outlet for people to express or share their thoughts, so many bloggers in the past have posted their thoughts/opinions/thoughts on various topics. Before the advent of blogging in the social media era, many people still relied on blogs to keep up with current events and hear opinions about these events.

These days, there are numerous blog types one can find from an online magazine to an author's blog. Radio broadcasts are often streamed online through programs such as podcasts or radio streams from websites such as Internet-only radio stations like NPR and Radiolab . Podcasts are offered by speakers who have interesting content that they want to share with audiences. This content is offered through audio or video, and the convenience of downloading an MP3 file allows listeners to listen to podcasts at their own pace. Some podcasts are offered as live broadcasts through Internet broadcasts while others are prerecorded and posted on websites to be downloaded at listener's leisure.

The terms "podcast" and "radio stream" mean similar things; however, there are slight differences between the two that make each of them stand out in certain areas. Both radio streams and podcasts allow listeners the ability to access content at their leisure. However, radio stations transmitting over the airwaves cost money to run, whereas podcasts are "free". Also, radio stations' actual location can be critical in choosing a station to listen too. Depending on the area the listener is in, they will have access to varying stations. Podcasts are superior in this way because they can be listened to through an Internet source, so content can be accessed by listeners globally and without geographical boundaries.

One thing that podcasts may not have over live radio broadcasts; however, is immediacy. The immediate nature of radio broadcasts means that listeners do not have to wait a day for their "fix" of radio shows or news. With podcasts, there are often waits from a day to a week or more between new content. This time difference can be frustrating for those who want information right away on certain topics.

Podcasting has become more popular with the use of podcasts on portable media players such as Apple's iPod ( or any other mp3 player) and mobile phones. This allows people to take the content with them wherever they go and allows for listening to podcasts in a hands free manner, making it easier to multitask or listen to podcasts while doing another activity. Podcast can also be played on personal computers or ipod devices.

RSS feeds are used for keeping track of new blog posts/articles/etc. that one subscribes to through an RSS feed reader . With a feed reader you can subscribe to thousands of websites at once, saving countless hours every week searching for new information on specific topics.

Many podcasts do not allow listeners to comment or ask questions, and podcast content is often very technical and hard to understand, so it would not be possible to use the same medium where one feels comfortable asking questions or getting cues for the episode.

Another example of audio feeds found on blogs are IRC channels . These include shows that are broadcasted live without a time delay in between broadcasts. It is an open dialogue for listeners to ask questions or talk about a topic. However, as with podcasts, there is no commenting function in these shows and they often take a lot of non-tech savvy people to understand.
One type of show that is also found on blogs are audio segments that are produced by NPR . These segments are prerecorded, and there are no live shows. This is a "behind the scenes" segment of what goes on at NPR. Many people who want to be a part of the show can do so through these segments.

There is one other type of audio feed that bloggers have found: blog talk radio . Blogger's have used this platform for live chats with other bloggers or celebrities that have been invited to participate in the show. This would allow listeners to hear from others about certain topics. Even though some blogs do draw in viewers, blogging is not considered a "live" medium because there are times when it may only be read by visitors. This was a great way for bloggers to get an "audience" for their blogs.

Blogging has become a popular method of sharing opinions with people all over the world. Many blogs are "read by millions of readers". These blogs have become very popular across the internet and are edited by individuals who love to write about ideas, news, and information. These bloggers work as journalist for local newspapers and use their blog as a way to express what is going on in their community . Blogs range from personal expression to political views on current events, as well as personal opinions and commentary on various subjects . Blogs often present controversial viewpoints, which can upset some readers. However, the freedom of speech that comes with blogging allows bloggers to express their thoughts in a way that many find enjoyable or interesting to read.

Blogging has played an important role in the way people communicate with each other. It is considered to be "the voice of this generation" and has opened doors for people who want to share opinions and thoughts on any topic . Some argue that blogging should be used as a form of journalism while others feel it should not be considered "journalism". Bloggers have become the new voice in global communication.

There are some similarities between blogging and podcasting. It is evident that podcasting is a "live" medium. However, when you compare blogging to podcasting, it is evident that blogging has more similarities with it than not. Blogging can be considered a live medium because it creates an immediate impact on users who have access to the blogs they are reading. They get to immediately comment on new articles or news as they come out on the net . This makes blogging very similar to a radio station in the way that people can converse about what has just been posted or what they feel about the topic being discussed by others . When people have access to new information, they can start sharing their own opinions and thoughts about the subject at hand.

The producers of these programs can create many different types of podcasts. For example an audio podcast is a podcast that is made up of sounds, usually music and other commentary recorded on a portable digital audio device. It may be available for a fee or free download, and is often posted on the internet . There are also video podcasts wherein the video is streamed using an internet connection. Video podcasts are more like television programs that are being streamed to your computer as opposed to being downloaded to watch at another time . A webinar is similar to a podcast, but it uses the web instead of a radio station or mp3 player to broadcast live. The most popular use for all types of podcasts however, is as information distribution tools . It is the way in which companies can expose their customers to updated information on a regular basis .
Why should we use podcasts? There are many reasons why podcasting has become so popular, but the most common reason is because it is fast and convenient. If you are going to listen to an audio file, then by all means you should be able to do so in just a few minutes at a time. Mobile phones are also becoming more popular, and many people who own one no longer subscribe to radio or television because it takes too long to upload the information. Some have even noted that listening to podcasts allows them to see who they talk about without interrupting their daily routine.

Popular culture has added to the way people communicate with each other. Music, television, and movies have all become popular forms of entertainment in the lives of many Americans. Podcasting is a new way of using pop culture in the communication process.

Podcasting is a relatively new phenomenon. Its popularity has grown rapidly in the past few years due to advancements in audio and video recording software for computers. It also offers users an outlet for content they find interesting or entertaining, whether it be news clips, music or comedy shows . 
It is also said that podcasting should be considered a "live" medium because any moment something important can be released on an internet blog, someone somewhere will be listening to it live as it happens .

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