Building a Habit of Documenting and Organizing Creative Inspiration
Every creative person feels in a constant cycle of inspiration and boredom. It’s so easy to lose that spark of creativity sometimes that we often need some type of outlet for creativity or we end up simply falling into creative block. There are plenty of ways to get those ideas flowing again, whether it’s by listening to your favorite playlist, journaling, or even just engaging in one-person activities like drawing and coloring. You need an outlet where you can actually capture all those moments where inspiration strikes and then take something concrete from them.
The best way is through documentarian thinking . This is your chance to record all your thoughts, ideas, and revelations about creativity so that you can go back to them later on. Documentarian thinking is the way you can actually create something useful from inspiration instead of just letting it slip away.
Documentarian thinking allows you to take inspiration and turn it into a concrete idea that you can then follow through on later. It’s when you look at that spark and say “Okay, what can I do with this to make something more?” If you don’t capture those moments they may never happen again. So create a habit of documenting those moments of inspiration and you’ll be able to harness them in the future.
Here are some ideas for how to start taking better notes about your creative life:
1. Journal . Create a new habits journal where you can record your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations. You can then go back later at any time and read through all the little things that struck you then go from there. Journaling also allows you to write down your thoughts and ideas more quickly so it’s always available if inspiration knocks on your door again in the future.
2. Post to Pinterest . Post all your notes and ideas to Pinterest so you can look back on them later. You’ll be able to see where your mind was at a certain time and what was inspiring you then. This way your notes won’t get lost in the internet ether, but they’ll still be readily available when you need them.
3. Use Evernote . Evernote is one of the better free ways out there that you can use to record everything and anything that comes into your head. With Evernote you can record your thoughts using pictures, words, and even record audio notes. Keep track of all your ideas, inspirations, and notes and then look back on them any time later.
4. Record illustrations . If you’re a creative artist, this is a great way to document your creative process from beginning to end. You can create illustrations of the different stages of your process and what exactly inspires you about each step along the way.
5. Share with other people . One fun thing about documenting your thoughts is that it gets back to that human connection that we all want so much out of life. You can sit down with friends and discuss your ideas together and bounce new ideas off of each other. Or create an online blog where people can follow you through your journey.
6. Upload to a cloud drive . The great thing about technology today is that you can upload everything to the cloud so that even if your computer crashes, you don’t have to worry about losing all your thoughts. You can upload all of them to the cloud so that you have access across multiple devices.
7. Gather inspiration from others . Creatives are often inspired by other creative works in one way or another and that’s no exception for inspiration itself. So gather a bunch of those creative inspirations in one place and then look back through them later.
8. Choose an art form that inspires you . You can choose something that you’re interested in, whether it’s drawing, painting, digital arts, or even photography. This will allow you to find art that inspires you so that you can look at other people’s work and see how they did things differently than you do. You can build off of their ideas to find new inspiration for your own work.
9. Record audio notes . You can record audio notes or voice memos while doing creative work and then edit those into podcasts later on. You could even use them to record audio notes for personal visualizations that you do. This way you can easily record what you’re thinking and get your thoughts out of your head so you can write them down later. Many apps like IFTTT are great at helping you take action on those ideas too.
10. Apply the insights . Once you’ve gone through all these different methods, it’s time to actually go back through them and apply what made sense to you. Look at the things that inspired you and go from there if those things are something that makes sense for your current project or idea.
11. Experiment . Finally, experiment with the things that you’ve taken notes about. See what you can do with them in a real-world application or in the context of your current project. You can also follow through on your ideas and see if they actually work for what you’re trying to build.
Keep these ideas in mind and start applying them today as a way of remembering those creative sparks that hit throughout the creative process. The key is to record those moments of inspiration so that you can keep going back to them later on to make something new and exciting out of them!
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