Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity

 Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity

"As long as we are alive, there will be adversity." - Unknown

Adversity is a part of life. It's stressors that we experience and how we adapt to those stressors that make us who we are. There are many ways to build resilience in the face of adversity so you can react better than before when it comes up again. Here are 37 examples of things you can do to help build your resilience skills.

Make your sleep a priority. Just as we must eat to live, we must sleep to live. Sleep is important for many biological functions that help us feel better, do better, and be more alert during the day. Aim for eight hours of sleep or more each night, and your body will thank you in many ways.

Live in the moment. It's easy to get caught up in worrying about what might happen next week or next month or next year. Worrying isn't going to help you do your best now—it will only make you feel bad about yourself and insecure about the future because you can't control it anyway. Instead, focus on the moment and what you can do to make it the best it can be.

Work on being forgiving. Some people are better at forgiving than others, but we all need to learn to forgive those who've wronged us. Holding grudges is a waste of time because no one benefits from it—not even you once you factor in the stress and emotional baggage involved with holding onto that grudge. So learn how to forgive and start enjoying your life again!

Nurture yourself. It's important that you take care of yourself and nurture yourself so your body and mind will be able to handle adversity better than before. For example, no one can be their best if they're not eating right or sleeping enough. Take care of your body and mind first so you have the energy to handle things like life's stressors later on.

Do what you love to do. We all have things we truly love to do—things that make us feel good inside, feel happy, give us a creative outlet, give us energy, help us get through the day without feeling tired and worn out. Find out what those things are and do them often! If you don't already know or aren't sure of those things, make it a point to find out.

Do something different once in awhile. We often are our own worst enemies when it comes to stress. For example, if you normally go to a particular place and see a certain waitress, then you automatically feel stressed because you're thinking of that person. But if you go somewhere else where you don't know anyone and the waitress doesn't recognize you, then it doesn't matter as much.

Don't be afraid to change things up. It's common for people to cling to their old daily routines or behaviors in an effort to make themselves feel safe and secure. But those routines aren't working for everyone anymore—they need to be adapted or replaced with new ones that work better for everyone involved.

Take a vacation once in awhile. Even those who travel often for business or pleasure can sometimes benefit from a break from the daily grind. A vacation is a great way to recharge, relax, and come back stronger than before. Even if you can't take a long vacation, take a day or two off to do something interesting and fun each year. You'll be amazed at what it does for your outlook on life!

Schedule time off from work. People often feel overwhelmed and stressed because they're working too much and not taking enough time to rest and recuperate. Taking a few days off from work here and there can help you feel more relaxed and refreshed, which is good for the soul.

Do something nice for someone else. When we know how much someone appreciates what we do for them or what we give to them, it makes us feel good about ourselves and our life in general. Doing something nice for others will make your life easier as well because you won't be stressed about doing it—you'll do it because you want to make the other person happy.

Be grateful—every day. It's easy to complain about our lives and take all of our problems out on the people in our lives, but it's important to consciously take a moment each day to be grateful for what we have instead. Gratitude is a powerful tool that helps us get through whatever life throws at us because we'll have the ability to see things with a positive viewpoint.

By practicing these 37 mental and emotional skills throughout your life, you'll be able to better cope with stressors and challenges in your life so that you can react more quickly and effectively when they come up again.

Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity:
The post Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity appeared first on The Penny Curry Blog.

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