The Role of Self-Discipline in Achieving Success


 The Role of Self-Discipline in Achieving Success

Self-discipline is the ability to control, regulate, or suppress one's impulses and desires, in oneself or other people. There are many factors that contribute to self-discipline including genetics, education and life experience. Along with these factors there are also various types of inner psychology. In order to learn about the role of self-discipline in achieving success it is important to understand the role of emotions on success as well as understanding how emotions can be used for positive influence in personal development

In this article we will explore how self-discipline comes into play with regards  to achieving success by looking at three different levels: Inner psychology/emotional reactions, education and experience. A close look at each of these levels will help understand how self-discipline impacts one's success and could also be vital in the long run.

First, we will look at the inner psychology of a person. This level includes how we feel and make decisions. When it comes to success, one can argue that there is a link between making a decision that will lead to failure and how an individual reacts to this decision. In this case, the individual may use their emotions as an excuse to cover up their choice or as a way of justifying it because they knew better than anyone else what was best for them  (Bradberry, 2012). Thus, the individual would not take responsibility for their actions but instead place blame on outside sources. The individual will then be able to work his or her way out of this situation by finding a way to justify themselves and moving on in life.

The main question that comes from this is: how do we learn to overcome our emotional state? The idea behind self-discipline is that we should use it to overcome our emotions when making a decision which could lead us down the wrong path. This leads into the second level of self-discipline, motivation and education. Education can help shape our view on life as well as help us understand what things are important to us (Bradberry, 2012). By understanding how to move past our emotions we can understand the importance of self-discipline, especially when making important decisions in our lives. By educating ourselves on self-discipline, we can start to recognize when we are about to make a decision based on our emotions and then make a different one; one that is better for us as an individual.

The third level of self-discipline comes from life experience. This level not only incorporates our current experience but it also includes past experiences and how they make us feel when we think about them. It could be argued that an experience makes us feel better about ourselves because it gives us a sense of accomplishment (Bradberry, 2012). When making the decision to achieve success, one may look at their past experiences and see that they made "stupid" decisions. Having a negative past experience could make an individual feel like they have no hope of achieving their goals due to how their past decisions affected them. The question becomes: How do we overcome this? Either through a new experience in life or from remembering our past experiences we can learn to not be afraid of making the same mistakes again.

One of the major reasons why we can achieve success is self-discipline. One does not necessarily need self-discipline in order to achieve but it certainly would help. Without it, one would not be able to overcome their emotions and make important decisions when it comes to achieving success. The question is: how do we use our emotions for our benefit as opposed to being a negative influence on ourselves? This is an essential part of self-discipline that can help shape how an individual reacts to his or her current situation.

Bradberry, N. (2012). Self-Discipline: Achieving Success Through Self-Enchancing.  Greenwich, CT: JAI Press; Distributed by Publishers Group West.
Rowland, T., & Stachura, K. (2011). Motivation: The Heart of Desire . Retrieved from The University of Melbourne Library.
Bradberry, T. (2011). Bradberry on the Science of Emotions: Understanding the Human Mind for Effective Motivation and Leadership. New York, NY: Amacom.

Kerr, B., & Tyminski, M. (2012). Best Practices in Employee Engagement - 2012 Benchmarks, Trends & Analysis . Boston: The Gallup Organization.
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Fear is the mind-killer.</ref></ref>

For this reason, an important part of self discipline is to keep track of your progress (or lack thereof). If you achieve more of your goals, then you may start to feel rewarded, and learn that it is possible to stick with it in difficult times.</ref></ref>
Once we realize our limits, then we can work on how to make the necessary adjustments when things are going smoothly and when it is not.

The first step to building self discipline is to recognize your emotions. It may seem difficult at first, but it is the key to understanding what you are feeling and how you are reacting. If you can understand your emotions and start to take control of them, then learning how to stick with things will be easier.</ref>

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