Certification Authorities with browser ubiquity of 99.3% are best in Industry.


 Certification Authorities with browser ubiquity of 99.3% are best in Industry.

When it comes to web security, Certification Authorities are the backbone of the Internet. It's not a coincidence that browsers seamlessly trust these authorities without requiring any extra clicks or steps on your part. The other day, we took a closer look at how many web-savvy ones exist for Microsoft Edge-- and we found out that browser ubiquity of 99.3% is best in industry!

So what does this mean? It means Microsoft Edge is really committed to making connections between you and websites you visit (or your bank account) as safe as possible. Now that includes certain online services that Microsoft happens to offer. If you happen to use them, then Microsoft Edge will automatically trust their site's certificates as if it is a well-known certificate authority.

Let's take a look at some of the top ones!

Microsoft Accounts (Live) and Office 365 URLs (exchange.microsoft.com, outlook.office365.com, etc) have 99.9% browser ubiquity ratio in both Windows 10 PCs and Mobile phones. As for Windows 8 PCs, they're at 99%.

(exchange.microsoft.com, outlook.office365.com, etc) have 99.9% browser ubiquity ratio in both Windows 10 PCs and Mobile phones. As for Windows 8 PCs, they're at 99%. Microsoft Account (Live) and Outlook (Live) URLs: 98% and 99% browser ubiquity ratio respectively on Microsoft 10 PCs as well as Mobile phones running Android 6 or higher.

(Live) and Outlook (Live) URLs: 98% and 99% browser ubiquity ratio respectively on Microsoft 10 PCs as well as Mobile phones running Android 6 or higher. Hotmail (MSN), Live Search and Messenger with up to 7-days transition time of 0%-100%.

(MSN), Live Search and Messenger with up to 7-days transition time of 0%-100%. Windows 10 Store apps: 95% browser ubiquity for the U.S. and Canada version.

apps: 95% browser ubiquity for the U.S. and Canada version. Microsoft Edge: 99.3% browser ubiquity on Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 PCs, Mobile phones running Android 6 or higher, as well as Apple iOS 8 or higher (Windows 10 Mobile that is).

All in all, we can just say that it's a double win because you're making a safe connection with sites you trust while ensuring that your online experience is uninterrupted even when your devices run into problems "out of the box".


(Note: Above screenshots are from IE, Edge, and Firefox)

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By Marius Dumitru from Microsoft Edge blog at blog.microsoftedge.com ( https://blog.microsoftedge.com/2018/08/05/browser-universality-for-microsoft--edge--considered-best-in-industry/#comment-2259553 ) By the way, we'd like to ask you to help us make the online experience on Microsoft Edge better, and we can give you some nice gifts. Just click the button on the right sidebar today! (https://modern.ie/express.html) Free Expression (http://modern.ie/)
With the Microsoft Edge browser, we are committed to protecting your online privacy and security, and we want to explore new ways to keep you connected with sites you trust. That's why we have released a new certificate authority that is browser ubiquity of 99.3% (https://modern.ie/)
In other words, one of the main browser related metrics – "browser ubiquity" – has been established by Microsoft Edge in this version. If you see the value of "browser ubiquity" as defined for Microsoft Edge, I think it can be said that we have made a good start in terms of making connections between you and websites safely as possible.
Another aspect is that this browser has more unified user experience by unifying the user interface of the browser across Windows 10, Mobile, Xbox One, and Miracast.
For Microsoft Edge, we have released a new certificate authority. As you know, there are different certificates and security certificates used in browsers to ensure that Internet communications between browsers are secure. Microsoft Edge has only one certificate and uses this to protect users' online privacy.
Of course there is a possibility that it may not be appropriate in your use case, but if you have any thoughts on this feature or how we can make it better, please contact us at support@modern.ie . I'll try to help! (https://support.microsoftedge.com/)
If you have any thoughts on how we could make it better, take a look at our feedback tool. (https://modern.ie/feedback.html)
The browser is a great tool for browsing the Internet but it's also a great tool to protect your online privacy and security, so let's not neglect these aspects and keep improving them.
Thank you for reading the blog post. As always, please help me keep Microsoft Edge up to date in your country by visiting https://www.microsoftedgeupdates.com/, which allows you to opt-in or out of receiving these blogs posts in your language or by email and also lets friends know more about this specific blog post. (https://modern.ie/feedback.html)
Marius Dumitru ( https://twitter.com/MrDumitru ), a technologist at Microsoft, was sharing his experience and insights on how Microsoft Edge is helping him protect his online privacy and security without the need to visit unknown websites as he browses the web. Visit the Windows 10 News Center for all of our latest news, Windows 10 tips and tricks, features, videos, podcasts and more! (https://news.microsoft.com/)
For more resources about Microsoft Edge browser:
For more information about Microsoft Edge browser: https://support.microsoftedge.com/ For discussion on this article: https://talk.windowscentral.com/forumdisplay .php?f=1004 .
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Submit feedback about this topic: By the way, we'd like to ask you to help us make the online experience on Microsoft Edge better, and we can give you some nice gifts. Just click the button on the right sidebar today!(https://modern.ie/express.html) 0 responses By Marius Dumitru ( https://twitter.com/MrDumitru ), a technologist at Microsoft, was sharing his experience and insights on how Microsoft Edge is helping him protect his online privacy and security without the need to visit unknown websites as he browses the web.
If you have any thoughts on how we could make it better, take a look at our feedback tool.(https://modern.ie/feedback.html)
The browser is a great tool for browsing the Internet but it's also a great tool to protect your online privacy and security, so let's not neglect these aspects and keep improving them.
Thank you for reading the blog post. As always, please help me keep Microsoft Edge up to date in your country by visiting https://www.


We are continually improving Microsoft Edge to keep your browsing safe and private. As a result of this continued effort, we have created a new browser security certificate that ensures the maximum amount of browser ubiquity for Microsoft Edge. We value the privacy and security of our users, and we'd like to give you a heads-up on an update to our browser security certificates.As part of this ongoing effort, starting with today's Windows 10 Insider build (18298) and continuing in subsequent builds, Microsoft Edge will now obtain a new security certificate from an updated certification authority. Although there is no current impact to your browsing experience, we wanted to provide you with advance notice that new security certificates will be used on sites that you visit from Microsoft Edge.

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