Foxy Retailers take on the supermarkets and win


 Foxy Retailers take on the supermarkets and win

This blog post will discuss how a handful of small retailers have managed to take on supermarkets and win. Starting from 2011, with the Sainsbury’s takeover by Walmart, the retail market has experienced a seismic shift in which supermarkets struggle to maintain their dominance over the sector.

If you're looking for evidence of this, just look at what's happened in recent years: Tesco's profits have sunk by 75%, Morrisons has lost 20% of its customers, and Aldi is eating up market share from all competitors.

#2) What is an alternative word for "informative"? 
a) factual 
b) entertaining 
c) authoritative 
d) educational

a. factual

#3) Which of the following is a LEAST likely use for a blog? 
a) to inform people about an organisation, product, etc. 
b) to advertise your business 
c) to provide feedback on an organisation/product/service 
d) to ask questions of your customers

c. to provide feedback on an organisation/product/service

#4) If you want people to read and remember what you say, how should you write it? (Choose 2 answers). 
a) Strongly b) Emotionally c) Factually

b. Emotionally

c. Factually

#5) Why is content marketing a good strategy? 
a) People trust your brand more when you provide them information. 
b) It's a great way to promote your business. c) It keeps people coming back to your blog/website.

b. It's a great way to promote your business.

c. It keeps people coming back to your blog/website.

#6) According to the infographic, what are the most popular social media channels in 2018? (Choose 3 answers). 
a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Instagram d) SnapChat

a. Facebook

b. Twitter

c. Instagram

d. SnapChat

#7) Which of the following is NOT a result of content marketing? (Choose 3 answers).

a) Your audience trust you more. b) You gain a wider reach for your business/brand. 
c) You reach people who are not online at all, but would be if you were there. . 
d) You develop an authentic, positive image for your organisation/brand.

#8) Which of the following is NOT a content marketing goal? (Choose 2 answers).

a. Grow your audience b. Generate leads c. Increase brand awareness d. Monetise your content

#9) How can you improve what you’re writing? (Choose 3 answers).

a. Talk to people. . 
b. Be realistic. 
c. Find examples of good and bad writing in your life. 
d. Read lots of books and blog posts about writing well.

a. Talk to people

b. Be realistic

d. Read lots of books and blog posts about writing well

c. Find examples of good and bad writing in your life

#10) Why should you focus on crafting your own content rather than plagiarising from other sources? (Choose 2 answers).
b) It’s tacky, unethical, and will do you more harm than good in the long run . 
c) It’s hard to monitor whether you’ve copied enough of another piece to get into trouble. . d) Your audience will see straight through it and know that you’re not being honest. 

b. It’s tacky, unethical, and will do you more harm than good in the long run

d. Your audience will see straight through it and know that you’re not being honest.

#11) According to the infographic, if you want to improve your blog posts or emails, how should you write them? (Choose 2 answers).
b) Relevant c) Entertaining d) Factual

b. Relevant

d. Factual

#12) How can you make sure your content is seen? (Choose 3 answers).

a. Create good quality content that appeals to your target audience b. Make it easy for people to find you c. Pay for online advertising, such as Facebook ads or LinkedIn ads d. Promote it using a remarketing campaign on Google AdWords 

a. Create good quality content that appeals to your target audience

b. Make it easy for people to find you

d. Promote it using a remarketing campaign on Google AdWords

c. Pay for online advertising, such as Facebook ads or LinkedIn ads

#13) What should you do with a piece of content once it’s published? (Choose 3 answers). 
a) Tweet about it b) Link to it on other content pages c) Add a call-to-action at the end . d) Encourage people to leave comments and feedback

a. Tweet about it

b. Link to it on other content pages

d. Encourage people to leave comments and feedback

c. Add a call-to-action at the end

#14) Why is it important to be active on social media? (Choose 2 answers).
b) It generates more traffic to your site c) It helps you reach new customers . d) It allows you to find out what your audience is thinking and talking about .

b. It generates more traffic to your site

c. It helps you reach new customers

#15) Which of the following are examples of good and bad content marketing? (Choose 2 answers).
a. An article about how people responded to the launch of a new product b.

Conclusion: A/C

#16) How do you know if what you’re writing is good? (Choose 3 answers). 
a) It looks pretty b) You’re proud of it c) People tweet about it . d) It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

#17) Which of the following is a LEAST likely to appear on a blog? (Choose 2 answers). 
a) Valuable information for the readers . b) An author profile that describes you and your business.
a. Valuable information for the readers

b. An author profile that describes you and your business.

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