Funny gifts, gags and pranks


 Funny gifts, gags and pranks

Do you need a perfect gift for that person who's just about impossible to shop for? Do you feel guilty about all the time and money that was spent on gifts last year, but still want to give someone something this year? Do you have some spare cash left over from your holiday budget and want a funny gift, gag or prank for yourself or someone else? Well we've got loads of ideas, both long-lasting and inexpensive!

We'll cover the best bets in gifts, gags and pranks. Your loved ones will never forget the day they were given their very own customized casket spray (with lovely flowers), their own personalized tombstone or even their lifelike paper doll. We'll show you how to give them the gift they need most: a good laugh.

And don't forget the practical jokes! Find out how to give (and receive) the gift of a boxing glove balloon, an exploding air-horn or even a dog poop ornament. Nothing says holiday cheer like watching your friends get tricked!

Funny gifts may not be as thoughtful as jewelry or as useful as a new vacuum, but they will be sure to bring hours of holiday cheer during the challenging months that lie ahead. And really, isn't that what it's all about? [ARTICLE END]

(PS- We aren't advocating doing anything illegal or life threatening here. We're merely sharing the good, the bad and the downright horrific in the field of funny gifts, gags and pranks. You shouldn't try any of these at home! I am merely your guide, you know.)

Edited at: Friday, October 23rd, 2010 @ 5:30 pm

PPS- If you are interested in more information on this topic please visit Thanks![/ARTICLE] Reply Delete
Being a woman who lives alone, Christmas is an extremely solitary time of year for me. I don't have children, and my friends and family are too spread out to be able to spend time with them during the holidays. So I go out of my way to try and make an effort for a few people each year, while the rest of the world seems to forget me completely. That's why I love this article so much! Thank you! Reply Delete
I'm currently looking for a gag gift for my brother in law who is traveling on a flight between two cities that has no vegatation or hills. I'm planning on putting together a custom cardboard cutout of San Francisco's skyline with his picture on it and having it there at the airport (he's an army officer). Any ideas? Reply Delete
I posted this on the yahoo group pmsua on my blog. I am the largest (ha ha) fan of this website. It's just so funny. Every year, I'm trying to think of an'ecky' gift for my father. Giggles, (you're awesome!) Thank you! Reply Delete
LOL! This is brilliant! This site is a godsend. My husband and I love to pranks each other and have for many, many years...and this site has helped me in more ways than you can imagine! It's like having your very own comedy sister! And I live in England!!! Reply Delete
The only person that gets me is Reply Delete
Hi I am a young retail worker who loves gags and pranks, but I have no idea where to start. I was wondering if you could tell me where to go to start selling my gags? Reply Delete
Am very interested in making some funny gifts and gags.So am posting this on my blog with a link back to your site.To see what i have made plz go the link below and comment ill love it !!! Reply Delete
Simple solution...go to your local big box store and buy suckers for $10...thin membrane in the middle so you can write on it and once its dry rub and write with a marker...put in bags and use for party favors etc. Reply Delete
Long time lurker, first time poster, but posted originally on group pmsua. I am a young retail worker who loves gags and pranks, but I have no idea where to start. I was wondering if you could tell me where to go to start selling my gags? Reply Delete
Hi As A Housewife Who Loves Gags!I Love To Make Gags And Am Looking For A Good Place Where I Can Learn How To Do This.Please Help Me With Some Information.Thank You! Reply Delete
I am super excited about using you for fun gifts this year! I was hoping that you had a list of gag gift ideas. I have no idea where to start on this so any help would be great. Also, do you make cards or print out stuff for people? Thanks again! Reply Delete
I am writing a paper on funny gifts and gags and pranks for my univeristy course. I have used your website as a research tool but i need some information on the history of gag gifts et al. Have you got any information that could help me with my paper as i have some statistics to write about too thanks Reply Delete
Yes and too! Reply Delete
I was wondering if you could suggest some funny and original christmas gift ideas for my friend? She is a big animal lover and she has never had a pet, so I was thinking about getting her a stuffed animal. Maybe one that you can buy and add your own scent to it? And then when she is out walking her dog, the dog will follow the scent of the stuffed animal instead of hers? Please let me know if this would be something that would work or if you have any other suggestions. It has to be something that is original! Reply Delete
Hi, I'm looking for a site that will have a funny gift ideas--nothing really crazy or mean--I just want to give my dad a practical joke gift. I have seen one on here before about the boxer glove in a box, but it's no longer available. Can you help? Thank You! Reply Delete
This is great and all but I need more help with my paper.


The holiday season is an exciting time of year. It's so difficult to pick just one gift, unique and fun gifts that will make someone's holiday and that person be sure to remember the giver for a long time, if not a lifetime. So it turns out not all of our gifts need to be practical anymore. A lot of people have no idea what they should give as a gift during the holidays. For some people, it is very difficult to purchase gifts for the holidays because you know there are going to be so many people who will want something from you this time of year.

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