Learning to manage and reduce debt


  Learning to manage and reduce debt

Are you struggling to manage your money?

If you're over the credit limit and have been charged exorbitant interest rates, it's a good idea to learn how to reduce debt. Managing debt can be tricky or overwhelming if you don't know where to start. In this article we'll share some tips that can help make managing your debt easier, and maybe even save some money in the process!

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Debt Settlement Options". 
#3: Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "What Debt Settlement Offers.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Debt Management Companies. 
#5: Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Debt Elimination Scams.

CHAPTER THREE: Design Your Blog's Outline, Structure, and Navigation Page

Design Your Blog's Outline #1. Create your blog's outline page using a program like MS-Word or Google Docs. Include content that will appear on your home page including a clear brief overview of your topic, keywords such as phrases related to your industry related keywords, quotes from professionals in the field, graphics related to your topic etc. #2. Write down the navigation and format of your blog. #3. Create a page design that is appealing to users of your blog, and allows them to quickly find information they are looking for.
Design Your Blog's Structure #1.   As you write your blog post, create a table of contents such as the one below that outlines all your blog content in an order that most users will see most often. This is not your site's navigation page; this is a separate document. #2.   Create a navigation page on your blog for all of your categories. 
#3.   Write on the front page of your blog what categories are available, and what the name of each category page is within that category folder.

CHAPTER FOUR: Create a Content Management System (CMS) Page For Your Blog

#1: Sign-up to use one or more blogging programs that will make blogging easier for you such as WordPress, Typepad, MovableType etc. Read about these CMS programs in Chapter 4 of the book "Blogging Tips and Tricks" (free at http://www.budurl.com/bloggingtricks) #2: Write a blog post titled "Assess the Pros and Cons of Each of These Blogging Programs", which clearly lists the pro's and con's for each blogging program. 

#3: Sign up for accounts with all your blogging programs, including your domain registrar (i.e. GoDaddy, NetworkSolutions etc.) Once you have a domain name, write about how to register your domain name in Chapter 4 of the book "Blogging Tips and Tricks" (free at http://www.budurl.com/bloggingtricks). #4: If you want to be able to control your blog from a phone or other mobile device, sign-up for a blogging program that offers mobile capabilities. Learn how to use these features, and do so in Chapter 4 of the book "Blogging Tips and Tricks" (free at http://www.budurl.com/bloggingtricks). #5: Write about all these things in Chapter 4 of the book "Blogging Tips and Tricks" (free at http://www.budurl.com/bloggingtricks).

#6: Sign up for an account with Google Docs, which will allow you to create and customize documents for your blog in an automated fashion. #7: Create a document with the title "Blogging Tips and Tricks" that contains all of the information from the previous steps above. This document should be customizable to change as your blogging needs change.  (free at http://www.budurl.com/bloggingtricks).

CHAPTER FIVE: Set up an RSS Feed for your blog

#1: Create a blog post titled "What is RSS?" which includes information about what an RSS feed is, how to create one, and why you would use one. #2: Create a blog post titled "How to create an RSS feed for your blog," which walks the user through the process of creating an RSS feed so that your readers can subscribe to new content from your blog. In Chapter 5 of the book "Blogging Tips and Tricks" (free at http://www.budurl.com/bloggingtricks) , you will learn how to do this as well. #3: In Chapter 5 of the book "Blogging Tips and Tricks" (free at http://www.budurl.com/bloggingtricks) - create an example RSS feed for your blog that your readers can subscribe to from their own RSS reader programs such as Feedburner, My Yahoo!, Google Reader, Bloglines etc.

CHAPTER SIX: Write a Post for Your RSS Feed

#1: Create a blog post titled "Blogging Tips and Tricks on the Inbound Web," which is exactly what it says it is about: blogging tips and tricks related to the inbound web. #2: Write your blog post in 3-4 paragraphs, keeping it short and informative. Not too long a post is better. Keep to your blog's blog post guidelines in your blogger account at the top of the page. #3: Write a title for your new blog post that includes appropriate keywords from your category (i.e. "Blogging Tips and Tricks" or "How To"). #4: Complete the new blog post by explaining what people can expect to find their way into their Inbox on this regular basis because so many of the things that they will learn here they will use regularly on their own blogs as well as other blogs they read.


Congratulations, you have just learned how to create an informative and engaging blog post that will keep your readers on your page for a very long time.

#1: You included relevant keywords from your topic
You showed them how to get related information You included relevant clear technical language so they can easily and quickly find what they're looking for You included a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of article that encourages people to subscribe to your RSS feed using the built-in Subscribe button

#2: Your blog post encouraged them to click through (remember, this is an example)
And once there, you provided them with...

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