Medical Treatment


 Medical Treatment

As human beings, we are constantly adapting and evolving. Sometimes, the changes are subtle. Other times, they can be drastic. In every case, our bodies go through a plethora of processes in order to keep us functioning properly. One such process takes place inside of your heart and blood vessels: vasospasms.

Vasospasms are a normal occurrence in heart health—in fact they happen on a regular basis—and without them medication wouldn't be necessary for many people with high blood pressure or chronic heart disease.

In simple terms, vasospasms are the tightening of the blood vessels in your body (a phenomenon known as arteriosclerosis). To understand how this happens, it's important to know a little more about the anatomy of a normal healthy heart.

When you hear someone refer to their heart as "healthy," what they're referring to is a function known as heart rate variability (HRV). What HRV does is allow the heart to adjust, on its own accord, to changes in the environment. These adjustments are made automatically by one's autonomic nervous system, which even operates at unconscious levels.

HRV is also known as the "Heartbeat Effect" because of how it influences your heart muscles. Many people don't realize that a human's heart does more than just push blood throughout the body—it can also recuperate and regenerate itself after forming scar tissue. This adaptability is what allows HRV to happen on its own, by creating better blood flow to the heart and repairing any damage caused by high blood pressure, or other conditions which restrict blood flow. In short, healthy hearts are capable of adapting to changing environments by either increasing or decreasing their pulse rate.

The amount of HRV one has determines how well their body can handle changes in the environment. For example, a person who has a low HRV may feel heavy pressure in their chest when they're stressed out. This is because their body isn't able to respond to the stress by increasing their heart rate, which would relieve the tension in the chest area.

With healthy hearts, vasospasms are a natural occurrence which helps regulate blood flow throughout the body. They tighten capillaries and other vessels when there's too much blood flowing through them, and widen them if their too narrow. Essentially, they respond automatically to changes in the environment without any conscious effort by you or your brain.

Unfortunately, this natural mechanism is also a cause of high blood pressure for many people. This is because vasospasms can occur in people who have high blood pressure. These are the doctors' words, not mine.

However, it is true that vasospasms can be triggered by a number of factors and are dependent on various circumstances: your age, sex, stress levels, and physical activity. For example, men experience a more dramatic vasospasm than women when they're stressed out or under emotional duress. The same goes for those with heart failure or heart disease: their vasospasms are more pronounced than someone without these conditions.

There are ways to help make vasospasms less dramatic for these individuals. People with heart disease can take cholinesterase inhibitors (all of which are drugs). These help diminish the effects of stress on your body, which in turn reduces the strength of the vasospasms. There are also lifestyle modifications that you can make along with these drugs to decrease your chances of having a vasospasm in the first place. All of this is also true for people who suffer from high blood pressure. The difference is that you don't necessarily have to take a drug—you can simply reduce your stress levels and lessen the chance that a vasospasm will occur in the first place.

Many people with high blood pressure also take calcium channel blockers, beta blockers, and ACE inhibitors. These are drugs which help open your blood vessels and reduce the strength of the vasospasms.

If you're suffering from high blood pressure or have a heart condition that's caused by vasospasms, it's important to discuss different medications with your doctor before taking any kind of drug. They can help keep your body healthy and ensure that you don't experience any more undesirable symptoms. Also remember to stress reduction techniques such as meditation so you can slow down those rising blood pressure numbers. It's important to keep in mind that you want to avoid experiencing any unwanted consequences by trying alternative methods to lessen vasospasms first before taking any medications.

If you're looking for a way to reduce your blood pressure naturally, using home remedies is the most cost-effective way to do it. There are many ways to help shrink high blood pressure numbers. One of these is through a specific type of exercise known as Qigong, which is also referred to as the "Distant Gong" in Chinese medicine. Qigong helps stimulate your body's energy flow and promotes self-healing. It's very effective for helping people with high blood pressure because it helps them relax by bringing down their stress levels and relieving tension in their muscles and joints.

Another home remedy that can help reduce your blood pressure is apple cider vinegar. It contains acidic properties, which helps keep blood vessels wide open. This has been shown to also reduce cholesterol levels, and improve the presence of nitric oxide in your bloodstream. Nitric oxide is responsible for many of the effects of vasospasms and as a result appears to be an important element in helping balance high blood pressure numbers while retaining proper blood flow in your body. Apple cider vinegar is also known to protect against many different types of diseases including cancer and heart disease.

With these two types of home remedies, you can start seeing an improvement in your numbers by slowly reducing them over time. The benefits will increase as time goes on and the vasospasms are completely halted from occurring all together if you remove or decrease their sources.

I want to thank you for reading my post and I wish you the best of luck with getting your high blood pressure under control! Remember that a healthy diet is very important when it comes to lowering your blood pressure. You may need to make some adjustments, but once you do, you should be able to see improvements in your numbers in the next few days. You'll feel better because your body will be healthier and working better than it has before. I just want to let you know that there are alternatives out there that can help lower your blood pressure without having to resort to prescription medications. There are many reasons why taking a drug is not necessary including saving money, improving overall health, and living longer with fewer health complications down the road.


My blood pressure is lower than it used to be. I’m taking a “gentle” dosage of medication, and working out every day in an effort to prevent another episode from occurring. I know this won’t be my last episode, so the best thing I can do is to make small changes now that will hopefully pay off later.

It was hard not taking any medications. Once you stop, your blood pressure starts climbing again, but with the help of medication my number has never gotten above 140/60 and is now stable at 130/65.

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