Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 52)


 Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 52)

This blog post is a continuation of our discussion about spirituality. This week we explore the power of unconditional love.

Unconditional love is an expression of one's unconditional willingness to act in a caring and compassionate way towards another, regardless of the other person's behavior towards them. 
As such, it should not be confused with tolerance, which describes one's passive acceptance or agreement with another person's actions; nor should it be confused with forgiveness, which describes one's willingness to stop feeling negative emotions towards someone who has harmed them or offended them and seek reconciliation with that person...
Unconditional love can be expressed as simply "love" for someone while they may do things that seem hurtful. Rather than love being withdrawn, it is handed back in the form of friendship and caring. It is a milder form of love, and is easy to give to anyone who does not actively seek harm of those you care about.
Unconditional love for another person is sometimes referred to as agape, true friendliness, complete love, and real love. These terms are defined by specific levels of intensity of the benevolent attitude held by a person. For example "true friendliness" refers to the strongest form...
Unconditional Love (Part 1)
The ultimate test to unconditional love is when your loved ones do things that hurt you immensely or even cause you physical pain...
I need you to be very specific in your description of love: the love that you wish to feel the most, what it looks like, how it feels. Love is really a state of being and it is a way that people express themselves to one another. Feelings come and go as does emotion...
It's not enough to have love...you have to be willing to give your life for others.
You can't just pick up or put down someone or ask them to change for you...it's never going to work out.
Love isn't enough anymore, You have a hard time even imagining the things I do for you, let alone deserve...
Unconditional love is true, but it will always remain a mystery.
"Unconditional love" and "agape love" are terms that sometimes get used interchangeably...
We've found that the word "love" means a great many different things to different people and in different times, just like the word "peace." Agape has been defined as unconditional love in the bible...
Do you know what unconditional love might look like? Experiencing unconditional love can be really hard if you don't understand how to give it away. You have to practice treating everyone you meet with kindness and consideration no matter what they do or don't do or say...
In order to receive unconditional love, you have to offer it absolutely...
People may not be consistent or always act in a loving way, yet they can still be loving. We often give love without expecting any return...
Unconditional Love (Part 3)
It is said that Saint Francis of Assisi was the first person in history to teach people how to practice unconditional love. Many people today are still learning how to do this. In order for your loved ones to receive their full capacity of unconditional love, they must first learn how to accept it.
This could also be an additional step towards creating more security and safety for yourself as well...
In order to unconditionally love someone else, you must first learn how to unconditionally love yourself. This can be a difficult task for many people as we live in a world that is very self-critical and judgmental.
Unconditional Love (Part 4)
The second step to learning how to practice unconditional love is to learn how to recognize it in others and within yourself. Unconditional love is often confused with tolerance...
Unconditional love does not mean that we accept or condone what another person does, it just means that in spite of what they do or say, we continue to see the potential for good in them and choose not to judge them...
You may read this and think I am wacko...but i have figured out Jesus' unconditional love plan..it is a plan for you to get well by loving others unconditionally. Get well by forgiving others...
In order for your loved ones to receive their full capacity of unconditional love, they must first learn how to accept it.
This could also be an additional step towards creating more security and safety for yourself as well...
Unconditional Love (Part 5)
The third step to learning how to practice unconditional love is to learn how to express it in a variety of ways. This can be difficult because it requires us to express our feelings and emotions effectively...
It can be very difficult to express unconditional love or forgiveness, particularly if we have been hurt badly by someone else. It can also be difficult to tell the difference between unconditional love and tolerance.
Unconditional love is not "I will love you...as long as..."
There is no condition of any kind, there is no limit on it and no matter what you do – you will always have my unconditional love...
Unconditional Love (Part 6)
The fourth step to learning how to practice unconditional love is to learn how to accept it from others. This may be a very difficult task for many of us because we feel that we need people to treat us in certain ways in order for us to feel loved...
As you may know, it is not easy to accept unconditional love from others when you are not used to giving it to yourself. However...
Unconditional love is by far the most powerful force in the universe. It is healing, transformative, creative and has the power to change a person...
I have learned that unconditional love is not just a warm fuzzy feeling; it means acting in ways that will bring about change for the betterment of yourself and others...
Unconditional love is accepting. Unconditional love does not mean accepting what happens, rather it means having an internal reaction that does not condemn you for things that you have done or events beyond your control...
Unconditional love means never judging, condemning or punishing others for their actions...
Unconditional Love (Part 7)
The final step to learning how to practice unconditional love is to learn how to receive it. This can be a very difficult task for many people because we do not feel that we deserve unconditional love. However...
Think of a time when someone truly showed unconditional love and you felt as though they had gifted you with the greatest gift in the world...
Unconditional love doesn't just happen; it is something that most of us have to learn how to survive in this world without and without having an unhealthy dose of conditional love thrown in there too. So many people are unable to even conceive of such a thing...
You have to learn to appreciate and love yourself unconditionally, this is something that most people have a hard time with. Just like real love, unconditional love should never be conditional...
I am not talking about getting a pat on the back for doing the best you can do, I am talking about entering into a spiritual attitude of gratitude...
Unconditional Love (Part 8)
The concept of unconditional love has been taught by many different spiritual teachers throughout history. Jesus was bestowed with the greatest gift of all – "unconditional love." The concept of unconditional love is one that Jesus wanted everyone to learn how to practice. There are no conditions on it...

Conclusion :"Unconditional love is different than unconditional forgiveness. Unconditional forgiveness is a process that allows others to experience regret, remorse and/or guilt, which they may put them in touch with their own imperfections. Unconditional love is different because it does not require the person you are being loving to do anything at all...
It's the difference between sacrificing to gain peace of mind and sacrifice yourself for peace of mind...
Conditional Love vs Unconditional Love
Many people equate unconditional love with unconditional forgiveness or tolerance . While unconditional love doesn't require you to approve or tolerate what another person does, it does have an effect on how that person feels toward you.

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